GoDRIVE: Turning in Tight Spaces

Turning electric wheelchairs in tight spaces in this situation:
In this goDRIVE video, we show you turning electric wheelchairs in tight spaces. Most of us are used to driving the 6-wheeled “Big Bertha”. Not all electric wheelchairs drive the same way. Some chairs are center drive, some are front wheel drive and some are rear wheel drive. Your FOLD & GO WHEELCHAIR is rear wheel drive.
- Make sure to look at the opening you want to turn or drive through.
- Don’t look at the obstacle itself, look at the gap between the obstacles.
- Before starting your turn, make sure the rear wheels are past the obstacle you want to turn around.
- Turning the chair too early will cause the back wheels to run over the obstacle.
- On rear wheel drive chairs, your pivot point is the center of the rear wheel.
This has been another goDRIVE electric wheelchair driving tip video from Michele, our CEO.